H.A.M Week

So my bf decided (for the both of us) that we should just go H.A.M (Hard As A Motherf***er) for one week in the gym. That week is this week. This consists of:

M/W: 30 minutes treadmill, 1 hour elliptical, abs

T/TH: 30 minutes treadmill, 1 hour elliptical, leg press, bench, curls

After 2 days of this I can say that I. AM. TIRED. More like exhausted really, and boooyyyy am I sore! I don’t even want to go to the gym today. And the bf pretty much made himself sick from working out so hard. This is pure torture people!

Anywhooo, I will be taking my weight and measurements this Saturday morning to see if I have lost anything this past week. *crosses fingers* I swear if that number goes up on the scale I am going to go straight loco on someone’s candy ass.

On a happier note, I can now do 3 sets of 5 on the bench press at 105lbs! ONE HUNDRED AND FIVE POUNDS. Rawr!!! I’m getting stronger and I’m loving it!

On a sadder note, I have on-again, off-again shin splints. Yesterday was on-again. I am definitely getting new running shoes this Saturday (I just had to wait for Mr. Paycheck) 🙂




Little things.

I don’t know about you guys going through a weight-loss journey, but I find myself thinking about my weight almost 24/7. I’ll even do ab workouts when I’m bored or during commercials! I love my 8lb. medicine ball by the way. Good investment!

I haven’t been able to go to the gym lately. I don’t know why but I’ve just been SO tired. I am going to try and go tonight, if not I will just go to my apartment complex’s workout area or workout to an On Demand video.